Driver Training: High Mobility/Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV)
Jackson Police Range Facility 704 Dorathy's Lane, Jackson, NJInstructors: NJ National Guard, 254 Training Regiment Combat Arms The Following is a brief overview of the training: General knowledge of the HMMWV Basic characteristics Preventative maintenance checks are service Drivetrain Operation Driver familiarization and road test Requirements: One (1) HMMWV for every two students Ocean County departments only Limited to 20 students. No fee [...]
Public Safety Drone Operations
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis training program is two full days and is designed to train police officers on how to safely and proficiently fly a drone within the National Airspace System. The first day of training consists of classroom instruction which will include topics such as airspace, weather considerations, rules & regulations, accident reporting, insurance considerations, airport/airfield operations, [...]
Management of the K-9 Unit
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesDuring this course, we will provide you with valuable information regarding police service K-9 unit expectations and capabilities. You will learn how to structure a K-9 unit and how to select and train K-9 teams. Unique leadership strategies involving team building exercises will be an integral part of the class. We will examine the care [...]
Police Command Staff Training – Mandatory for Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenants
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United States2018 POL/EPL - Police Command Staff Training The date has been finalized for the mandatory Police Command Staff Training that must be completed in accordance with the MEL’s POL/EPL Plan of Risk Management. This is specific training for Police Chiefs, Captains, and Lieutenants. Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Robert J. Miller [...]
Cell Block Management/Suicide Awareness – NJDOC
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis 4-hour course, provided by the NJ Department of Corrections training staff, will be devoted to the requirements for operating and maintaining a safe and secure detention facility, as set forth in Chapter 34 of the NJ Administrative Code. Please note: This course is not designed for Corrections Officers. The Cell Block Management portion will [...]
Crisis Intervention for the Road Cop
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesCRISIS INTERVENTION for the ROAD COP This course prepares students to assess, contain and diffuse crisis situations. In any type of a crisis call that your officers respond to, how the first officer on scene handles it can make a life-saving difference. Our 2-day course combines classroom training led by an experienced FBI trained crisis/hostage [...]
Shooting Incident Reconstruction
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United StatesThis 3-day class, hosted by the Ocean County Sheriff's Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit, will provide the crime scene investigator/detective with practical working knowledge of shooting scene reconstruction. Topics to be covered: Introduction to Forensic Ballistics (Forensic Firearms ID) Shooting Scene Reconstruction Automobiles Various structures Ricochet and Deflection Determining directionality of a projectile strike Chemical [...]
CODIS Overview & Update on the New DNA Collection Law
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesDate: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Location: Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 (Located in the Ocean County Park) Class Size 40-50 CODIS Overview and Update on the New DNA Collection Law An overview of the New Jersey DNA collection program with updates on [...]
Controlling Absenteeism
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesUncontrolled absences can be costly to the municipality and abused by the officers. This one-day course will explore how to look for and document sick time abuse. Through the use of relevant case law, formulas, and sample policies – the student will learn how to control it. Register with: Chief Robert A. Verry (Ret.) [...]
Traffic Incident Management System (TIMS)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesNew Jersey Traffic Incident Management System (TIMS) According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Traffic Incident Management (TIM) consists of a planned and coordinated multi-disciplinary process to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents so that traffic flow may be restored as safely and quickly as possible. TIM is a coordinated process that involves a [...]
High Level Interdiction & Hidden Compartments
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesTaught by Brad Gilmore ( employed by a NJ County Interdiction Unit), this course will provide the student exposure to current high level interstate money and narcotic transporting trends. It will also allow the student to identify and access hidden and concealed sophisticated compartments with examples of real road side videos and pictures of what [...]
Agency Training Update – Use of Force, Pursuit Driving, DV (CANCELED)
Ocean County Fire and First Aid Training Center 200 Volunteer Way, Waretown, NJ, United StatesThe Academy has developed a comprehensive program addressing the Mandatory Agency Training that each agency is required to administer per the NJ Attorney General guidelines. Use of Force and Pursuit Driving are required twice per year. Domestic Violence is required four hours per year. South Offering Location: Ocean County Fire & First Aid Training Center/Waretown [...]
Public Safety Drone Operations
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis training program is two full days and is designed to train police officers on how to safely and proficiently fly a drone within the National Airspace System. The first day of training consists of classroom instruction which will include topics such as airspace, weather considerations, rules & regulations, accident reporting, insurance considerations, airport/airfield operations, [...]
Bomb Threat Awareness & Response
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesBomb Threat Awareness and Response Bombing and the Threat of Being Bombed are Harsh Realities in Today's World The course instructor is Detective Sergeant Jim Varick with the New Jersey State Police Arson/Bomb Unit. The program would be of benefit to all personnel from the boots on the ground to executive staff. This course is [...]
Basic Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) 5-day
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesClick Here for Invoice>>> CPTEDBASICINVOICE Hosted by the National Institute of Crime Prevention. CPTED strategies are ideal for Law Enforcement Officers, Architects, City/Urban/Park Planners, City Managers, City Council Members, Landscape Architects, Security Consultants, Educators or anyone involved in designing neighborhoods, schools, downtowns, buildings, or revitalization efforts. It is an effective way of fighting crime and [...]
Security Threat Groups – CANCELED
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis one-day program, provided by the NJ Department of Corrections, will present information on gang activity in NJ, as well as here in Ocean & Monmouth Counties. This course is designed for police officers with minimal experience in gang identification. Topics discussed include: gang graffiti, gang tattoos, gang colors and hand signs. The program will [...]
LSU NCBRT: A Coordinated Response to Food Emergencies: Practice & Execution (CANCELED)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesSEE NEW REGISTRATION PROCESS BELOW! This course provides responders with training on all-hazards food emergency support operations. For the purpose of this course, food emergencies may include natural disasters, human-made disasters, foodborne outbreaks, or food adulterations that impact the food chain and have the potential for mass consequences. The course focuses on the performance and coordination of local, state, and federal agency operations during the response to and recovery from [...]
Advanced Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Course 3-day (CANCELLED)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesCANCELLED CPTED strategies are ideal for Law Enforcement Officers, Architects, City/Urban/Park Planners, City Managers, City Council Members, Landscape Architects, Security Consultants, Educators or anyone involved in designing neighborhoods, schools, downtowns, buildings, or revitalization efforts. It is an effective way of fighting crime and promoting business. Cities and Counties throughout the country are adopting CPTED ordinances [...]
Waiver Course for Humane Law Enforcement Officers (Ocean County Depts. Only)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesOcean County Departments only. You must submit your paperwork to the NJ Police Training Commission in order to attend this training! In order to hold the position of Humane Law Enforcement Officer all police officers and county investigators must be certified by the Police Training Commission. This 3-day training course meets the waiver requirements established [...]
FULL – Counterterrorism Awareness for Public Safety and Understanding Islam and Islamic Culture (NJOHSP)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesFull - Closed for registration on 1/9/19 The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, New Jersey State Police, along with the Ocean County Police Academy will sponsor a one-day seminar titled: “Counterterrorism Awareness for Public Safety and Understanding Islam and Islamic Culture”. There is no cost to attend this seminar. Counterterrorism Awareness for [...]
Cell Block Management/Suicide Awareness – NJDOC
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis 4-hour course, provided by the NJ Department of Corrections training staff, will be devoted to the requirements for operating and maintaining a safe and secure detention facility, as set forth in Chapter 34 of the NJ Administrative Code. Please note: This course is not designed for Corrections Officers. The Cell Block Management portion will [...]
Critical Case Law Overview for New Jersey K9 Officers
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesK9 Officers are expected to perform a variety of tasks from apprehending suspects to conducting searches for evidence. K9 Officers must stay current on very specific areas of not only arrest, search and seizure but the use of force as well. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the critical areas for [...]
Grant Writing Workshop
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United Stateslcome! If you're ready to learn how to find and write grants you've come to the right place. Beginning and experienced grant writers from city, county and state agencies as well as nonprofits, K-12, colleges and universities are encouraged to attend. You do not need to work in the same profession as the host agency. [...]
Motorcycle Crash Investigation (FULL)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course is designed for experienced traffic crash investigators who have a good working knowledge of the techniques and applications of formulas taught in basic crash investigation courses and who wish to build upon that foundation with more advanced mathematical formulas used to analyze motorcycle crashes. You will be given a manual of applicable information [...]
Criminal Apprehension and Investigative Techniques
LSU NCBRT Fundamentals of Criminal Intelligence (FULL)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis awareness-level course presents participants with the core capabilities required for intelligence personnel from an all-crimes, all-hazards perspective. It encompasses traditional crimes, domestic and international acts of terrorism, and other potential crises. This course introduces entry-level intelligence personnel to intelligence and distinguishes between intelligence and information. Among the topics covered are the Intelligence Community, responsibilities [...]
Street Gang Recognition and Identification
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesStreet Gang Recognition and Identification with an emphasis on MS-13. Gang history, tattoos, hand signs, colors, codes, graffiti and criminal activity are presented through the use of PowerPoint, lecture and video presentation. This course is designed to give a basic working knowledge of gangs and the basic ability to recognize and properly identify a street [...]
1st Responder Interactions With the The Special Needs Community
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesPolice Officers and other 1st Responders encounter people with physical, emotional and/or cognitive disabilities, like autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in the daily execution of their service. This specialized training provides officers, EMT’s and fire safety personnel tools and resources to effectively manage potentially difficult situations with these citizens. During this training, officers will learn and [...]
Successful Use of Social Media for Criminal Investigations – NJOHSP
Ocean County College 1 College Drive, Toms River, NJ, United StatesThe New Jersey Regional Intelligence Academy (RIA) will be hosting a two-day course called the Successful Use of Social Media for Criminal Investigations, Thursday, June 6th through Friday, June 7th from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at the Ocean County College, 1 College Drive, Toms River, NJ 08754, in the Gateway Building. Lecture Hall #104 [...]
NJ Crossing Guard Training & Resource Program
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesNJ Crossing Guard Training and Resources Program/Train-the-Trainer Class Are you currently working as a traffic safety officer supervising school crossing guards? If yes, please join us for a crossing guard training program. About the Training: The training will include discussion of crossing guard hiring, training and supervision procedures. Also covered; state and federal law and [...]
LSU NCBRT Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response – FULL
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesFull as of 5/23...registration closed Terrorism involving active shooter attacks on population centers has become part of law enforcement officers’ awareness; however, increased awareness of a problem does not ensure preparedness or appropriate response tactics. This course addresses technical aspects of planning and implementing a rapid law enforcement deployment to an active shooter incident [...]
Field Training Officer – Penn State Justice & Safety Institute
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThe future of a police department is significantly impacted by the field training officer (FTO). The FTO is a vital member of the department, responsible for training new recruits and determining the viability of these recruits as law enforcement officers. When FTOs are properly trained, they can help make sound personnel decisions and avoid future [...]
LSU NCBRT Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrence of Terrorist Acts (FULL)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course trains law enforcement personnel on actions they can take to prevent, deter and respond to terrorist acts. The law enforcement officer is part of the front line defense in preventing and deterring WMD terrorist incidents where the release of WMD agents is likely to occur because of criminal actions. The nature of law [...]
JCP&L Safety Trailer Demonstration for First Responders
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United StatesJCP&L Safety Trailer Demonstration for First Responders October 8, 2019 1:00pm - 3:00pm Robert J. Miller Airpark Route 530, Bayville (Rain date October 9, 2019) Please register by October 7, 2019. [wpecr_registration_button]
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) New DNA Collection Law
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesCODIS Overview and Update on the New DNA Collection Law An overview of the New Jersey DNA collection program with updates on the new law requiring DNA collection for certain disorderly persons offenses. In our two-hour presentation, we will cover the following: Overview of the New Jersey and National CODIS Program and How it Can [...]
Alcohol License Transfer Investigations
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLiquor License Investigation New and Transfer Licenses Learning where to look and what to ask can make the difference in a legitimate transfer and one that can involve organized crime. The Transfer of a Liquor License is a vital process for any municipality. In many towns and cities the investigation associated with this process is [...]
Homemade Explosives: Awareness, Recognition, and Response (HME) (CLOSED)
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United StatesCourse closed for registration. Wait list full. The HME course provides first responders with information on general explosive characteristics and hazards, homemade explosive precursor materials, homemade explosive manufacturing indicators, and Improvised Explosive Device (IED) components. Additionally, the course teaches first responders how to identify a homemade explosive laboratory and how to establish scene safety and [...]
Domestic Violence Intervention – PowerPhone
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesPlease visit for more information and to register
NJSP Firearms Laws & Applications
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course, offered by the New Jersey State Police Firearms Unit, will provide officers with the skills to properly handle the investigative process for firearms identification cards and handgun purchase permits requested by their community members. The students will understand the components of the Purchaser ID cards and Permit to Carry ID cards and learn [...]
Crisis Intervention & Verbal De-Escalation for the First Responder
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesIn any type of a crisis call that your officers respond to, how the first officer on scene handles it can make a life-saving difference. Our 2-day course combines classroom training led by an experienced FBI trained crisis/hostage negotiator with the use of professional role players to bring the training to life. Crisis Intervention and [...]
Building a Cohesive Leadership Team Seminar
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLt. Joseph Pangaro (Ret.) Pangaro Training a Division of IP Video and True Security Dear Chief; Thank you for your trust in Pangaro Training. It is a privilege to teach the men and women of law enforcement who serve our communities. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to take part in [...]
Active Threats on Campuses: Protective Measures and Responses LSUNCBRT
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course is designed to strengthen the response capabilities of those working in a campus environment in preparation for a potential active threat incident. An active threat incident will challenge both law enforcement first responders, as well as non-law enforcement campus personnel. It is critical for these parties to work together to prevent or mitigate [...]
Crisis Intervention and Verbal De-escalation Training
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesIn any type of a crisis call that your officers respond to, how the first officer on scene handles it can make a life-saving difference. Our 2-day course combines classroom training led by an experienced FBI trained crisis/hostage negotiator with the use of professional role players to bring the training to life. Crisis Intervention and [...]
Open Public Records Act (OPRA) for Practitioners
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesOpen Public Records Act (OPRA) for Practitioners A one day course designed as a practical, knowledge-centered curriculum for police officials, records clerks and other government officials designated as record custodians. Providing a wide range of OPRA related topics will be veteran instructors; Chief Denis E. Connell, Ed.D.(Ret.) and Mr. Robert P. O’Leary, Esq. Topics to [...]
Bomb Threat Awareness and Response
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesIn-person class…numbers are limited. You may also attend remotely The Ocean County Police Academy COVID-19 protocols are as follows: Each student/visitor must have their temperature taken each morning. There is a temperature station in the lobby as you enter. You will stand and wait for photo and temperature to register. Students/visitors must remain masked while [...]
Waiver Course for Humane Law Enforcement Officers (Ocean County Depts. Only)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesOcean County Departments only. You must submit your paperwork to the NJ Police Training Commission in order to attend this training! In order to hold the position of Humane Law Enforcement Officer all police officers and county investigators must be certified by the Police Training Commission. This 3-day training course meets the waiver requirements established [...]
Planning the Active Shooter Drill (Remote)
Remote , United StatesThis is a remote course only. The incidents of ACTIVE SHOOTERS have increased nationwide. This program works with students to prepare their officers for an Active Shooter Incident. During the course the instructors will review the NEWEST Tactical Response Protocols and Guidelines and teach how to implement these lessons to your officers. The course teaches [...]
Sexual Assault Investigations (Remote)
This is a remote course only. Whether the sexual assault is committed by a stranger or someone who is known to the victim, conducting the sexual investigation requires skill, compassion and diligence. In the investigation and prosecution of most sexual assault cases, the role of the victim is much more important than in other crimes [...]
Managing & Organizing Major Investigations (Remote)
This course is remote only. Students will identify the various areas of a major investigation and create a road map to ensure all necessary areas are properly covered by the investigator. A must for New Detectives! Managing the many moving parts of major investigation can be stressful, understanding what is needed for a successful prosecution [...]
Creating & Implementing an Employee Development Plan (Remote)
Remote , United StatesThis course is remote only. A plan implemented by supervisory team to offer the failing officer opportunity to become a positive asset ensuring that the full value of an employee’s work is seen on a daily basis. This program also helps supervisors find effective ways to challenge the high-performing officers without performance punishing and creating [...]
Commercial Vehicle Crash Investigation – Full (No Wait List)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesFull as of 1/28/22. There will be no more officers added to a wait list as of 2/4/22. This intensive course will cover the unique characteristics of commercial motor vehicles and the special dynamics at play when one is involved in a collision. Detailed information of the nomenclature and operation of commercial motor vehicles will [...]
Tactical Pistol for Patrol
Jackson Police Range Facility 704 Dorathy's Lane, Jackson, NJThis one day tactical pistol class is designed to enhance the skills, tactics and decision making responses for police officers. Officers will learn some of the most vital and “basic” components that will elevate the officers “advanced tactics” to the next level. Who should attend: Police officers who are looking to sharpen their firearms and [...]
The Art of Interviewing (Feat. The Forensic Interview Technique)
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesA properly conducted interview resulting in a truthful admission continues to be the strongest evidence in a criminal prosecution today. **If you get to the heart-you can get to the head-then you get to the truth** COURSE: 1-DAY THE ART OF INTERVIEWING (FEATURING THE FORENSIC INTERVIEW TECHNIQUE) FEE: $109.00 *****SEATING IS LIMITED***** Instructors: DSGT Mitch [...]
Introduction to Medical Care Under Fire for Patrol
Jackson Police Range Facility 704 Dorathy's Lane, Jackson, NJThis one day introduction to our Medical Care Under Fire program will provide important basic components for police officers to remember and utilize in the field when put under stressful conditions. Many police officers carry certain medical equipment such as tourniquets however, they do not get the consistent training and familiarization in the combined effect [...]
GST 5-day Level 1 Instructor Recertification Course
Monmouth Jet Center (Training Site) 4870 W Hurley Pond Road, Wall, NJ, United StatesThis specific course/location offers a special Dual Certification option where you can get certified in both GST Level 1 and Level 2 courses with only three additional training days. If you are interested in the Dual Certification option, click here. Techniques address most common threat scenarios encountered by Military and Law Enforcement personnel in the [...]
GST 8-day Level 1 & Level 2 DUAL Certification
Monmouth Jet Center (Training Site) 4870 W Hurley Pond Road, Wall, NJ, United StatesThis is a Level 1 and Level 2 DUAL Certification Course. If you want to register only for the 5-day GST Level 1 Certification click here. Please note, there is no option to register only for the Level 2 portion of the course. Training Schedule is as follows: Week 1: June 13-17, [...]
Liquor License Investigation
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course is ideal for police detectives. Learning where to look and what to ask can make the difference in a legitimate transfer and one that can involve organized crime. This course will be held remotely or in-person. The Transfer of a Liquor License is a vital process for any municipality. In many towns and [...]
Advanced Street Interviews
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis date is full, please see December 13 event - Advanced Street Interviews 12/13/2022 This course is for patrol officers and detectives to effectively deal with the challenges of a roadside interview. Skills taught will enable officer to manage and control the environment and deal with time constraints. Practical exercises will reinforce instruction. This course [...]
HyperDrive Narcotics Investigation Course
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis 4-day narcotics investigation course is designed to train your officers to properly and safely run their own drug investigation cases from beginning to the courtroom. This course will be held in-person only. HyperDrive Narcotics Investigation consists of: Vetting the Informant Surveillance Tactics and Techniques Acting Undercover Raid Techniques, Planning and Execution Choosing the [...]
MANDATED Resiliency Training for Law Enforcement Officers
Ocean County Prosecutor's Office 119 Hooper Avenue (Turnbach Meeting Room), Toms River, NJ, United StatesMaximum capacity for class is 30. This mandatory training is for Ocean County municipalities only. This course will be held at the Ocean County Prosecutors Office, Turnbach Meeting Room located in the basement level of 119 Hooper Avenue, Toms River. "The men and women in law enforcement put their lives on the line every day [...]
Planning the Active Shooter Drill
Remote ONLY*This course is REMOTE ONLY. Have you integrated all the newest guidelines ensuring your officers agency, and community are ready to effectively deal with an active shooter incident? This program works with students to prepare their officers for an Active Shooter Incident. During the course, the instructors will review the NEWEST Tactical Response Protocols and [...]
Managing & Organizing Major Investigations
Remote ONLY*This course is REMOTE ONLY. Students will identify the various areas of a major investigation and create a road map to ensure all necessary areas are properly covered by the investigator. A must for New Detectives! Major cases are likely to bring media attention to your agency. Cases involving homicides and/or involving high-profile individuals have many [...]
Internal Affairs Investigations
Remote ONLY*This course is REMOTE ONLY. In this age of widespread concerns of police brutality and defund- police protests, it is the obligation of the Internal Affairs Team to be well trained to conduct fair, professional, and objective IA investigations that will stand up to public scrutiny. The investigator will gain an understanding of police ethics, [...]
Creating & Implementing an Employee Development Plan
Remote ONLY*This course is REMOTE ONLY. How to challenge high performers and improve job performance of failing officers. A plan implemented by the supervisory team to offer the failing officer opportunity to become a positive asset ensuring that the full value of an employee’s work is seen on a daily basis. This program also helps supervisors find [...]
Patrol Response to Critical Incidents
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis program is designed to give first-line supervisors a comprehensive overview of the "best practices" when dealing with the initial response to a critical incident (barricaded subject, hostage situation, etc.) During the program, participants will do tabletop exercises and discussions on critical incidents.
Interviewing Techniques for Traffic Crash Investigators
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesWhile investigators have been obtaining information from people involved in traffic crashes, few investigators have successfully “interviewed” people involved in such collisions. We will show you how to apply proven techniques for interviews and interrogations in order to achieve a successful prosecution of the person or persons determined to be at fault in the collision. [...]
Patrol Sergeant Essentials
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThe patrol sergeant has a critical role in every law enforcement agency. This class provides patrol sergeants with the essential skills they need to effectively perform their duties with confidence. In this class, we cover: The proper review of use-of-force incidents Managing critical incidents Crime scene management Reviewing reports Dealing with personnel issues and much [...]
Case Law for Cops: Report Writing
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesWhat causes the most issues for officers are not their actions, but their documenting of those actions. This class will change that! While many other report writing classes focus on sentence structure, we focus on content. Proper grammar and punctuation are certainly important, but in the legal world, there is more emphasis on content. The [...]
EMT “CORE B” Refresher – Medical
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 8 CEUs.
EMT “CORE C” Refresher – Trauma
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 8 CEUs.
Crimes Against Children
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 6 CEUs.
Blood Bourne Pathogens
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 2 CEUs.
EMS & Police Response to Psychological Emergencies
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 3 CEUs.
Current Street Drugs
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 3 CEUs.
Report Writing
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 3 CEUs.
Case Law for Cops: The Street Edition
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis program is designed to give the proactive officer the tools they need to be successful in the streets. The program goes in-depth with case law, covering: Investigative detentions Conducting motor vehicle stops Extending motor vehicle stops Developing probable cause to search motor vehicles and for arresting occupants We will also cover behaviors and items [...]
Homicide & the Crime Scene
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 4 CEUs.
Law & Case Law EMTs/Paramedics Should Know
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLaw enforcement only. Seats are limited. Course is 3 CEUs.
Colt M4/M16 Armorers Course
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThe Colt M4/M16 Armorers course includes the M16 family of weapons, and all its variants including the M4, the AR15 and 9mm SMG. Course length is 24 class hours over 3 days with no shooting included. Certification: 3 Year Colt Law Enforcement Rifle/Carbine/SMG Armorer Resources: Colt will provide all necessary tools and firearms to conduct training Eligibility: Active [...]
CTS Impact Munitions Instructor Certification Course
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States**DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM MAY 3 TO MAY 23. This 8 hour instructor certification course is designed for officers with a desire to develop their operational and instructor skills with impact munitions. Course includes both classroom and range exercises focusing on: the history, nomenclature, applications, use of force considerations, training and legalities of the [...]
NJ Concealed Carry: What All Cops Need to Know
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis program is designed to give officers a comprehensive overview of New Jersey's Concealed Carry Law. The program will include: a review of the amended and enacted statutes the "best practices" for interacting with a Concealed Carry permit holder when you can compel identification and examine the concealed carry permit officer safety and much more!
Motor Vehicle 101: What You Need to Know as a Street Savvy Cop
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States1. Discussion on the Legal Standard necessary in order to conduct a Motor Vehicle Stop a. Reasonable Suspicion v. Probable Cause 2. Applicable Case Laws which constitute Reasonable Suspicion for MV Stops a. Discussion on Community Caretaking Stops [...]
ICAT & ABLE Training
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesOfficer training to educate police officers about the new Use of Force Policy, Attorney General Grewal ordered that all 38,000 state, county, and local law enforcement officers in New Jersey complete an immersive, two-day training program on de-escalation and other tactics for limiting the use of force. This unique training program incorporates two proven and respected [...]
ICAT & ABLE Training
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesOfficer training to educate police officers about the new Use of Force Policy, Attorney General Grewal ordered that all 38,000 state, county, and local law enforcement officers in New Jersey complete an immersive, two-day training program on de-escalation and other tactics for limiting the use of force. This unique training program incorporates two proven and respected [...]
Physical Conditioning Instructor Course
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThe Physical Conditioning Instructor course is a five (5) day class covering forty (40) hours of instruction. This course is designed to prepare law enforcement officers to implement and teach a physical fitness program in their respective agencies or in a police academy. The course requires participation in practical exercises as well as classroom instruction [...]
Dealing with First Amendment Auditors
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesWe all cringe when we see the viral video of a First Amendment auditor baiting a police officer and they fall for it. Many police officers lack training on the First Amendment and what citizens are entitled to do. While citizens are allowed to exercise a right, they are not entitled to break a law [...]
Glock Basic Armorer Course
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United StatesPrerequisites: To be eligible to take the Armorers Course you must be active/retired law enforcement or military, private security, GLOCK Stocking Dealer/Range Program Employee or current GSSF member. Course Objectives: Understand and be able to explain the design features of the GLOCK Safe Action System Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to maintain, troubleshoot and service [...]
GLOCK Modular Optic System (MOS) Instructor Workshop
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United StatesRequired Prerequisites and Student Equipment You must be a current Military or Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor, NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor Certified or have completed the GLOCK Operator Course with a Level 2, 3, or 4 evaluation score. The student will provide a GLOCK pistol with Optic Mounted, no modification other than sights or external [...]
Police Dispatcher Essentials
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesPolice dispatchers play an important role in providing crucial information to officers on the street. However, if they don’t obtain or relay the right information not only can an officer’s life be in jeopardy, it can also lead to the suppression of evidence, unconstitutional investigative detentions and searches. This course is designed to give police [...]
LSU LASER Course (Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response Course)
Ocean County Training Center 200 Volunteer Way, Waretown**ACCESS CODE FOR REGISTRATION: NCBRT275
Search Warrant Preparation & Execution
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesCourts have consistently emphasized a warrant is the preferred method to conduct a search to make an arrest, however we have very limited training and experience in this area. During this two-day course we will teach officers how to properly write and execute a search warrants and arrest warrants. No matter what your assignment is, [...]
Case Law For Cops: Drone Piloting for First Responders
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis one day course is designed to fully prepare you for the FAA Part 107 written knowledge exam. All of the testable subject areas will be thoroughly discussed. This course will give you all of the information you need to know to pass your exam and not bog you down with non testable material. Each [...]
Level Two: Mid-Level Essentials: Managing from Between
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThe mid-level supervisor is an integral position in any agency, acting as the conduit between the agency administration and the rank and file. This class is specifically developed around the mid-level manager’s position focusing on areas such as: project planning and mission oriented leadership managing up and down the chain of command leadership during critical [...]
Bloodgood: Rat Race-Navigating the World of Police Informants
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course will explore the benefits and risks for Patrol Officers and Detectives dealing with police informants. We will cover informant development techniques for use: on patrol and/or as a detective, the proper gathering, use and documentation of information provided by informants, and how to use that to assist and further your investigation. You will [...]
Pangaro: Pre-Employment Background Investigation
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States*This course will presented in-person or remote. Conducting a thorough and complete background investigation is one of the best ways to prevent future problems in your agency. Once a person is hired the process to remove them can be arduous and costly. Many agencies rely on pre-911 pre-employment practices such as blindly accepting candidates with [...]
Specialized LE Training: Patrol Interview Tactics
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesPatrol Officers are the immediate reactive unit in every agency. The interaction of a Patrol Officer with a SUSPECT,VICTIM or WITNESS, can dictate the results of a new or ongoing investigation. Knowing how to properly communicate is crucial to obtaining our goal: THE TRUTH. This course will provide attendees with PROACTIVE TACTICS and effective INTERVIEW [...]
Patrol Response to Critical Incidents
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis program is designed to give first-line supervisors a comprehensive overview of the "best practices" when dealing with the initial response to a critical incident (barricaded subject, hostage situation, etc.) During the program, participants will do tabletop exercises and discussions on critical incidents.
Less-Lethal Impact Munitions Operator
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United StatesThis 8-hour course provides operator level training on the topic of Less Lethal Impact Munitions. The student will gain detailed knowledge on the selection, preparation, deployment, storage and legal ramifications of Less Lethal Munitions. In particular, the student will gain specific information in Defense Technology® Less Lethal products, including 12ga, 37mm, and 40mm munitions, along [...]
NJ PBA Retirement Seminar
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesNew Jersey State Policemen's Benevolent Association Pension Seminar Tuition: None Conducted by: New Jersey State PBA Pension Coordinator. THIS IS A TWO HOUR COURSE
S.A.R.I.A. – Search and Rescue Initial Actions
Ocean County OEM/Miller Air Park 901 Route 530, Berkeley Township, NJ, United StatesCourse Goal: This 8-hour course was designed to prepare Law Enforcement Agencies to respond and take correct initial actions in starting an investigation and search for lost/missing individuals and will have a specific focus on search for individuals with dementia and autism. This course will cover the duties of an incident commander in a SAR [...]
Investigating Financial Crime
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesMoney is the common denominator in almost all crimes, but many of us lack the skills to conduct a proper investigation. This class will provide a foundation of financial crimes investigative methods and trends utilized to engage in the crimes of theft by: deception, embezzlement, counterfeit checks, credit card fraud, identity theft, elder fraud, contractor [...]
Cannabis lmpairment Detection
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis program will give officers an overview of drugged driving and when they should contact a DRE. The legalization of marijuana has created a new challenge for law enforcement officers: investigating driving while under the influence of cannabis. Drugged driving indicators are different than those of driving under the influence of alcohol. This one-day class [...]
Starting a Drone Program
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesA drone can be a tremendous resource for law enforcement agencies and their communities. This is a free event open to members of law enforcement agencies who are actively utilizing a drone or considering incorporating a drone into police operations. Some topics to be discussed are: the benefits of a drone program, FAA regulations, COAs [...]
Document Fraud for Law Enforcement
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course will assist law enforcement officers (Patrol Officers as well as Detectives) enhance their ability to recognize and identify the universe of identity-related documents issued by and relied upon by the MVC and the factors that motivate fraudsters. Emerging technology has made it increasingly difficult to identify fraudulent documents. Students will learn what tools [...]
Developing Our Future Leaders in Law Enforcement
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesCourse Highlights An introduction into the leadership theories commonly used in Law Enforcement Provide perspective into of the Law Enforcement Executives role in the agency Identify and examine what a successful supervisor looks like early in their careers Identify behaviors that will negatively impact your leadership ability later in your career Identify the common indicators [...]
Firearms Safety Class
Shooting a firearm for the first time can be intimidating and without proper instruction, very dangerous. Our safety class will guide you through the process of taking your first shots with your new purchase. The student will learn safe weapon handling, loading and unloading, disassembly and cleaning of their weapon, as well as proper shooting [...]
The Street Edition
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis program is designed to give the proactive officer the tools they need to be successful in the streets. The program goes into depth with case law covering: investigative detentions, conducting motor vehicle stops, extending motor vehicle stops, developing probable cause to search motor vehicles, and for arresting occupants. We will also cover behaviors and [...]
Drug Operations Proven Effective – D.O.P.E.
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis program is designed to give law enforcement professionals a comprehensive overview of what it takes to conduct a successful drug investigation. This course offers the opportunity to learn and explore methods and techniques that are proven in the field of narcotics investigations. Whether you are on patrol, or an experience detective, this course offers [...]
Property & Evidence Function Training
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States*This course is offered in-person or remote. This half day seminar is designed for new and existing property officers and clerks who are responsible for overseeing their department’s property and evidence function. The purpose of this class is to provide standardized training as per NJAG Guidelines to all law enforcement individuals who have responsibility for [...]
Kids in Crisis
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesToo often police officers are dispatched to assist with an "out of control child" and their arrival can make things worse. If we expect responding officers to handle such an incident, they need the proper tools. This class is instructed by a child crises specialist that will teach officers to identify the type of crisis [...]
Building Search for Patrol
TBDTHIS CLASS IS FOR ACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY This course focuses on fundamentals for searching a structure for occupants as a Patrol Officer with limited manpower. Students will learn through practical application how to safely and effectively move through a structure to render a structure safe, apprehend offender(s), and/or rescue victims. Topics covered include: small [...]
Radar Instructor Refresher
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis one-day course, provided by the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, consists of classroom instruction to enable current Radar Instructors to be re-certified. Basic principles of: radar, speed measurement, legal and operational considerations, instrument components and their function, record keeping and case preparation are discussed. *You will no longer receive notification that you are [...]
Property and Evidence Essentials
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesCourse Summary: This eight-hour instructional course is catered towards law enforcement and civilian personnel who are responsible for the evidence management function in their agencies. This course will discuss topics to include guidelines for evidence retention, identifying disposition dates, chain of custody documentation, evidence submission policies and best practices. Additionally, this course will discuss the [...]
Empowered Policing for Women in Law Enforcement
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesBeing a woman in the profession of law enforcement is different, whether people want to admit that or not. This course will explore the stigmas of women in policing and how we must take ownership to break those stigmas. This 8-hour course led by Heather Glogolich, explores the gender-specific struggles of women in law enforcement, [...]
Interview & Interrogations
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States*This course will be available in-person and remote. MUST REGISTER BY APRIL 4TH IN ORDER TO RECEIVE $100 DISCOUNT. This 2-day course teaches various techniques to enable the officer to gain information and determine its accuracy of it during interview and interrogation processes. This course covers the difference between interviews and interrogations, preparing for and [...]
Critical Incident Readiness for Patrol
THIS CLASS IS FOR ACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY Critical incidents are some of the most stressful and complex calls faced by officers. This class is designed to equip patrol officers with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively respond to these types of incidents. Through a combination of lecture and practical exercises, officers will learn [...]
Cops and Kids
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis one-day program provides an overview of the "do's and don't" while dealing with young offenders. If an officer is ever going to doubt themselves, it will likely be while dealing with a juvenile. Juvenile laws are complex and difficult to keep up with. Our experienced Juvenile Officer will review: Curbside Adjustments v. Stationhouse Adjustments, [...]
Radicalization, Sovereign Citizens & Extremists
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesOur country is in the midst of an ideological civil war, and those in law enforcement find themselves in the crosshairs while trying to keep the peace. From the events that have unfolded in the past few years, from Charlottesville to January 6th, as well as historic terror attacks like Oklahoma City Bombing, we can [...]
Red Dot Pistol Instructor
Beachwood Police Dept. RangeTHIS CLASS IS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY This two day class will focus on giving the students the information and repetitions needed to instruct others on pistol optics. Day 1 Red Dot Pistol Instructor will teach students how to maximize the use of a pistol mounted optic. The class will cover choosing the right optic, [...]
Use of Force Instructor Training Program
Ocean County Fire & EMS Training Center 200 Volunteer Way, Waretown, NJ, United StatesPolice Matron Training
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesConducted by: Ocean County Department of Corrections This class provides a standardized understanding of the duties and responsibilities expected of a police matron. The program discusses appropriate New Jersey statutes: Ethics, Personal safety, Prisoner processing, Handcuffing and search techniques, Confidentiality, Juvenile rights, Report writing, Observation, Transportation of prisoners and a use of force overview. Each [...]
Miranda for Patrol
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesLearn the complex rules of Miranda to ensure you obtain admissible statements! Many of us were able to recite the Miranda warnings from watching TV long before we became cops. Although we can recite them, many of us don’t really understand them. This class focuses on the basics of Miranda, when officers are required to [...]
Developing & Refining the Essential Skills of Supervision & Leadership
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesCourse Summary: Effective front-line supervision is essential for the success of any law enforcement agency. It is here where the vision and planning of the organization is put to the test. The front-line supervisor implements the goals and objectives established by upper management and the senior executive. If the performance of the front-line supervisor does [...]
Taser Operator Course
Ocean County Firearms Training Center 1535 Route 539, Little Egg Harbor, NJ1 day, 8 hour course Course is for X2 or T7 platforms *Course work shall be completed prior to attending the in person training. Axon Taser Annual Operator Update (V23- 2024) and Taser Operator Course Prework for the platform you intend to be certified on. **Equipment requirements will be sent prior to class Maximum of [...]
Red Dot Pistol Course
Jackson Police Range Facility 704 Dorathy's Lane, Jackson, NJThe course will focus on draw stroke, applying the fundamentals of marksmanship, and combat follow through while utilizing a pistol mounted red dot sight. Emphasis will be on stance, grip, trigger control, sight picture, speed, and accuracy. Various red dot sight models, mounting options, emitter choices, parallax, and iron sight options will also be discussed. OC [...]
Patrol Rifle Operator Course (OC Depts. ONLY)
Jackson Police Range Facility 704 Dorathy's Lane, Jackson, NJThis 3-day course will focus to develop and enhance officer’s skills in the use of a police patrol rifle. Topics covered fundamentals of rifle operation, maintenance, handling and basic marksmanship. Officer’s will shoot at various distances, shooting on the move and positional shooting. Officer’s will show proficiency in reloading techniques and handling common rifle malfunctions. [...]
2024 Ocean County Sheriff’s Youth Police Academy
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThe Ocean County Sheriff's Office Youth Police Academy will be held at the Ocean County Police Academy from August 5, 2024 - August 9, 2024. The objective of the Youth Academy is to educate the recruits on police procedures and hands on experience from highly trained officers in: S.W.A.T. Drone K-9 Mount Unit Marine Unit [...]
Safe Schools Resource Officer/Liaison Training
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesAttendees will be given a working knowledge of the school resource officer concept and other school based policing programs. There will be a written examination and at least one graded practical exercise for each student. Basic course attendees will also be required to research and complete a handwritten lesson plan on a law related topic [...]
Firearms Instructor Course (OC Depts. ONLY)
Jackson Police Range Facility 704 Dorathy's Lane, Jackson, NJOpen to Ocean County Departments only at this time. Limit 2 seats per department. Course is strictly limited. The first day will be a pre-qualification followed by six (6) days that will be devoted to handgun and shotgun. This is a New Jersey Police Training Commission approved course which is designed to instruct department officers [...]
SRO: Back to School Update
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesToday’s School Resource Officer is expected to not only keep our students safe but have a solid understanding of both juvenile and education law. This one-day program provides a comprehensive overview on how to collaborate with school officials when conducting investigations, searches, and threat assessments. Topics covered include: investigating marijuana violations, when school officials are [...]
Defensive Tactics Instructor Course
NJSP Academy Camp Drive, Sea Girt, United StatesWe will be holding a 10 day Defensive Tactics Instructor course. All registrants need to be approved by Sgt. Thomas Slinchak, Sgt. Robert Stark or SFC. Alan Scalzullo, NJSP with a maximum of 20. This course will be held at the NJSP Academy in Sea Girt. Please e-mail if interested in registering.
Law Enforcement Rifle Readiness
THIS CLASS IS FOR ACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY LE Rifle Readiness will focus on the skills required for effective deployment in LE situations and semi-annual qualifications. As in all RTG courses, there will be a focus on the fundamentals of marksmanship, building confidence in the student, and improving their ability to shoot accurately on demand. [...]
Retail Theft & Street Level Gangs
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course will provide law enforcement officers with the understanding and tools needed to tackle the current trends of retail theft rings and street level gangs operating as criminal enterprises. You will be provided with the investigative tools to recognize the key elements of organized criminal enterprises to include: retail theft rings, identity theft schemes, [...]
Radar Instructor Refresher
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis one-day course, provided by the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, consists of classroom instruction to enable current Radar Instructors to be re-certified. Basic principles of: radar, speed measurement, legal and operational considerations, instrument components and their function, record keeping and case preparation are discussed. *You will no longer receive notification that you are [...]
Social Media Methods & Community Engagement
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThe course covers a range of topics, from investigative techniques and community engagement strategies to policy development and practical exercises. The "Social Media Methods and Community Engagement" course is a comprehensive program designed to equip law enforcement professionals with the skills necessary to effectively leverage social media for investigations, community engagement, and strategic communication. Participants will gain insights into selecting the right personnel, understanding essential equipment, and navigating legal considerations, including the complexities of [...]
Taser Operator Course
Ocean County Firearms Training Center 1535 Route 539, Little Egg Harbor, NJ1 day, 8 hour course Course is for X2 or T7 platforms *Course work shall be completed prior to attending the in person training. Axon Taser Annual Operator Update (V23- 2024) and Taser Operator Course Prework for the platform you intend to be certified on. **Equipment requirements will be sent prior to class Maximum of [...]
Fraudulent Tag Enforcement Training
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis course offers comprehensive training on identifying and combating fraudulent temporary tags. Participants will learn about the most common trends used to manipulate license plates and evade detection. The course includes instruction on utilizing tools such as Carfax and other databases to verify vehicle information and detect potential fraud. Through hands-on exercises and real-world case [...]
Basic Comingled Recruit Class #120
Our Basic Commingled Recruit Class #120 (Basic/SLEO II recruits) is scheduled to tentatively commence on Friday, November 8, 2024. Please be aware this is an PM class, class will mostly be held between the hours of 2pm-10pm with some day classes involved: Firearms, EVOC, County PT tests, etc. The following are important dates for this [...]
Basic ATV LEO Operator Course [Driving Session #1]
Ocean County Sheriff's Law Enforcement Training Center 1535 CR 539, Little Egg Harbor, United StatesThis two day course is recommended for any LEO who operates an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) in the course of their duties. A portion of this course will certify you on the ATV Rider Course through the ATV Safety Institute (ASI). LEO’s will be shown mounting/ dismounting techniques, patrol tactics, use of cover/ concealment, rescue/ equipment [...]
Basic ATV LEO Operator Course [Driving Session #2]
Ocean County Sheriff's Law Enforcement Training Center 1535 CR 539, Little Egg Harbor, United StatesThis two day course is recommended for any LEO who operates an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) in the course of their duties. A portion of this course will certify you on the ATV Rider Course through the ATV Safety Institute (ASI). LEO’s will be shown mounting/ dismounting techniques, patrol tactics, use of cover/ concealment, rescue/ equipment [...]
Basic ATV LEO Operator Course [Driving Session #3]
Ocean County Sheriff's Law Enforcement Training Center 1535 CR 539, Little Egg Harbor, United StatesThis two day course is recommended for any LEO who operates an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) in the course of their duties. A portion of this course will certify you on the ATV Rider Course through the ATV Safety Institute (ASI). LEO’s will be shown mounting/ dismounting techniques, patrol tactics, use of cover/ concealment, rescue/ equipment [...]
Basic ATV LEO Operator Course [Driving Session #4]
Ocean County Sheriff's Law Enforcement Training Center 1535 CR 539, Little Egg Harbor, United StatesThis two day course is recommended for any LEO who operates an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) in the course of their duties. A portion of this course will certify you on the ATV Rider Course through the ATV Safety Institute (ASI). LEO’s will be shown mounting/ dismounting techniques, patrol tactics, use of cover/ concealment, rescue/ equipment [...]
Advanced Street Interviews
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States*This course is presented in-person or remote. This course is for patrol officers and detectives to effectively deal with the challenges of a roadside interview. Skills taught will enable officer to manage and control the environment and deal with time constraints. Practical exercises will reinforce instruction. Our highly-experienced instructors teach how to: Identify common criminal behaviors [...]
Criminal Investigation for New Detectives & Patrol Cops
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United States*This course is in-person only. Designed to enhance and/or upgrade the skills of investigative personnel. This training is rated excellent by 100% of students. This course will provide a solid foundation of investigation skills and techniques for the detective or officer conducting investigations. Guidelines and skills needed to investigate a variety of crimes will be [...]
SLEO I Class #53
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesOur SLEO I Class #53 is scheduled to commence on Monday, January 6, 2025 Applications and all paperwork is due by December 16, 2024. Please contact Det. Engrassia for availability at Click here for the OCPA Recruit Application
Methods of Instruction
Ocean County Fire and First Aid Training Center 200 Volunteer Way, Waretown, NJ, United StatesTHIS COURSE IS OPEN TO OCEAN COUNTY DEPARTMENTS ONLY. COURSE IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO 18. **OUT-OF-COUNTY AGENCY REGISTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.** This New Jersey Police Training Commission approved course is designed for Officers who plan to teach at Police Schools and/or their respective Departments. Topics include selecting appropriate teaching methods, establishing goals and performance [...]
Patrol Sergeant Essentials
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis class provides patrol sergeants with the essential skills they need to effectively perform their duties with confidence. The patrol sergeant has a critical role in every law enforcement agency. This class provides patrol sergeants with the essential skills they need to effectively perform their duties with confidence. In the class we cover the proper review of use of force incidents, managing critical incidents, crime scene management, reviewing reports, dealing with personnel issues and much more!
Patrol Response to Critical Incidents
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThis class provides officers with the "best practices" for managing critical incidents, i.e. barricaded subjects. This program is designed to give first-line supervisors a comprehensive overview of the "best practices" when dealing with the initial response to a critical incident (barricaded subject, hostage situation, etc.) During the program, participants will do tabletop exercises and discussions on critical incidents.
EMT Refreshers
Ocean County Police Academy 659 Ocean Avenue, Lakewood, NJ, United StatesThese EMT refreshers are for law enforcement only and will be instructed in 3 separate sessions. Seats are limited. Course is 8 CEUs. First session will be for the A program covering airway on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 Second session will be for the B program covering medical on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Third session [...]
Taser Operator Course
Ocean County Firearms Training Center 1535 Route 539, Little Egg Harbor, NJMake sure you complete the pre-course work for the operator course prior to attending. Pass this along to those listed below from your agency so they can plan accordingly. EACH student will need to bring the items listed below to complete the training. You will need to go on the AXON Academy website and complete [...]