Bomb Threat Awareness and Response
May 21, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
| $139In-person class…numbers are limited. You may also attend remotely
The Ocean County Police Academy COVID-19 protocols are as follows: Each student/visitor must have their temperature taken each morning. There is a temperature station in the lobby as you enter. You will stand and wait for photo and temperature to register. Students/visitors must remain masked while in the academy. Thank you for your cooperation.
Bombing and the threat of being bombed are harsh realities in today’s world. Be prepared to cope with a bomb incident.
Whether policing schools, malls, or bus and train stations, every agency needs trained personnel to handle bomb threats and know the proper response to suspicious items. The program benefits all personnel, from the boots on the ground to executive staff. Personnel responsible for policy planning and implementation would benefit from this training by gaining knowledge that can be applied in both the planning and response phase in their respective communities.
Topics Covered: Understanding the current threat environment, Basic understanding of bomb threats, How to safely and efficiently manage a bomb threat, Classes of explosives and explosive effects, Improvised explosive devices (IED’s), along with the components that comprise an IED, The evacuation decision making process, Notification processes, Search protocols, Types of suspect items that might be encountered.
Through this awareness level training, students will have the ability to safely respond to incidents involving improvised explosive devices and explosions.
Limited number of IN-PERSON Seats- please indicate at registration if student is to be In-Person or Remote
Register at www.Truesecuritydesign.com tab: Pangaro Police Training, tab: Register
Or Register by email: kpangaro@truesecuritydesign.com send department contact information including fax number along with attending officer’s name(s) or number of seats you wish to reserve. We will make an invoice and forward it with necessary documents to generate a purchase order.
Phone: 732-779-3406 * www.truesecuritydesign.com
Discounts: 10% for Multiple Officers and $50 off for officers investing in their own training.
Pangaro Training, part of the True Security Design family, is now a subsidiary of IP Video.
All purchase orders and payments are to be made out to IP Video.