2024 Ocean County Sheriff’s Youth Police Academy
August 5, 2024 @ 8:30 am - August 9, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
The Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Youth Police Academy will be held at the Ocean County Police Academy from August 5, 2024 – August 9, 2024.
The objective of the Youth Academy is to educate the recruits on police procedures and hands on experience from highly trained officers in:
- S.W.A.T.
- Drone
- K-9
- Mount Unit
- Marine Unit
The training for the Youth Academy will also include but not limited to physical fitness, handcuffing technique, military etiquette, marching and defensive tactics. This training will give the recruits a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to succeed in the profession of law enforcement. We place strong emphasis on self respect, respect of others, and teamwork. This will be accomplished through structured events which will be offered in a fun, informative, interactive, educational and hands-on manner.
Eligibility requirements:
- Must be an Ocean County resident
- Kids must be between the ages of 10-13
- Completed application.
- Signed medical release form and civil liability form
- Signed media release form
What do I wear/bring?
Recruits must arrive in a plain white shirt, black shorts, white socks, running shoes and a bagged lunch for each day.
Recruits will be provided a gray youth academy shirt, an academy water bottle and a black academy baseball cap.
If you have any questions about the Youth Academy, feel free to contact S/O Christopher Jarin:
✉ CJarin@co.ocean.nj.us
Click here to see pictures from past Youth Academy years!