Public Safety Drone Operations
August 2, 2018 @ 9:00 am - August 3, 2018 @ 4:00 pm
| $500.00This training program is two full days and is designed to train police officers on how to safely and proficiently fly a drone within the National Airspace System. The first day of training consists of classroom instruction which will include topics such as airspace, weather considerations, rules & regulations, accident reporting, insurance considerations, airport/airfield operations, emergency procedures, preflight and maintenance, loading/performance and crew resource management.
The second day of training will entail hands-on applications which will consist of basic flight maneuvers, emergency procedures, precision flying drills, advanced maneuvers, and search patterns. Students will be required to show flight proficiency to successfully complete this course.
This course will not certify the student as an FAA Remote Pilot and this is not a FAA written test prep course.
Class size is limited to 6 students and training can be done using our fleet of drones. Prior arrangements can be made with the event organizer to use your own drone for the class.
Prerequisite: Must have Iphone or Android phone loaded with the DJI GO 4 app which is a free download. The phone used is not required to have cell service, however, it must be dedicated for use on day 2 of training. No prior drone flying experience is required and a drone is not required.
Advanced Drone Consultants
August 2 & 3, 2018
Cost per student
Online at: www.advanceddroneconsultants.com/events