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DELTA SCHOOL Supervisor and Leadership Training

The DELTA SCHOOL (Development, Education, and Leadership Training Academy) Supervisor and Leadership Training Program was designed and implemented through a cooperative effort by members The County Narcotics Commanders Association of New Jersey, The County Prosecutor’s Association of New Jersey, The New Jersey Chiefs of County Detectives/Investigators Association, The New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, The New Jersey State Police, The Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office and the Middlesex County Fire Academy.

The program is a practical, hands-on training initiative designed to familiarize members of the narcotics law enforcement community with narcotics-specific management principles so that they may fulfill their obligation as leaders, to ensure, foremost, the safety of their subordinates and also to ensure that investigations are conducted in a professional, efficient and effective manner.

Conducted by:  The County Narcotic Commanders Association

Tuition: None