Basic Comingled Recruit Class #123
September 5
Our Basic Commingled Class #123 (Basic/SLEO II recruits) is scheduled to commence on Friday, September 5, 2025.
The following are important dates for this upcoming class:
- Pre-Academy PT Assessment date: Wednesday, July 23, 2025
-recruit(s) must have a completed PTC-8 e-mailed to kshaw@co.ocean.nj.us no later than Monday, July 21. - Pre-Academy PT Re-test date: Wednesday, August 13, 2025
- Application Deadline: Friday, August 15, 2025
- Orientation: Friday, September 5, 2025
- Tentative Graduation: February 2026
Please contact Lt. Tate for availability at jtate@co.ocean.nj.us.
Click here for the OCPA Recruit Application
- The PTC now requires that all applications and required paperwork be submitted to the Academy 21 days prior to the start of class.
- PTC-8 (Medical Clearance Form) is only valid for 90 days prior to the class start date.
- PTC requires a negative drug screening result to be submitted within 90 days prior to the class start date. (December 14 is the earliest you can screen) The lab always runs behind, so be sure to allot enough time to receive results in time. If you have not received the results of the drug screening then you must provide a copy of the specimen submission receipt.
- PTC requires that the Psychological exam be conducted no more than 12 months prior to class start date.
*You MUST be hired by a department to be sponsored through the Academy, there is NO open enrollment.